About the OET Listening Guide for all professions Volume II

Here at IELTS Medical, we offer a range of textbooks to help you further your career in Healthcare. One of the textbooks we offer is the OET Listening Guide for all professions. This textbook is a complete guide to the current version of the Occupational English Test. It contains clear instructions, practice questions, and is supported by an audio DVD.
What can I expect in the OET Listening subtest?
The OET listening section is split into three parts; is common to all 12 professions and lasts 40-45 minutes. You should be able to fully understand a range of health-related spoken material such as patient consultations, interviews, workplace interactions, and lectures.
In OET Listening Part A, you will be asked to listen to a conversation between a patient and a healthcare professional eg. a patient and their doctor, nurse or podiatrist. The task is then to fill in a set of case notes with the missing words heard on the audio. Each extract lasts approximately 5 minutes.
In OET Listening Part B, you will hear 6 short extracts that take place in a typical healthcare environment. For example, you may hear a conversation between colleagues; a short briefing or a news piece. Your task is to answer a multiple choice question based on what you hear.
Lastly, in OET Listening Part C, you will hear a longer audio text that consists of either a monologue by or an interview with a healthcare professional. Like in Listening Part B, your task is to answer a multiple choice question based on what you hear.
The OET has been designed for the following 12 healthcare professions:
- Dentistry
- Dietetics
- Medicine
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Optometry
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Radiography
- Speech Pathology
- Veterinary Science
Like the Reading section of the OET exam, the Listening section is common to all 12 OET professions. If you would like to purchase a textbook to help you with your OET studies, please call 0203 637 6721 or buy online.