Our Licence to Practise Podcast Series gives you a glimpse into the journeys of our alumni doctors and nurses into UK practice. In each episode, Christina interviews healthcare professionals as they give you a glimpse into what made them decide to move to the UK, how they found the process and what life is like now versus what life was like then. Released fortnightly onto our Apple Podcast,Instagram,Google Play and YouTube Channels.
The One With Nurse Judith
Ghana to UKThe One With Amr, Doctor
Egypt to UKThe One With Nurse Sheriff
Ghana to UKThe One With Mohammed Imran, Doctor
Pakistan to UKThe One With Andrea, Dentist
Romania to UKThe One With Nurse Alice
Nigeria to UKThe One With Ece, Doctor
Turkey to UKThe One With Nurse Pragya
Nepal to UKThe One With Priscilla, Doctor
Brazil to UKThe One With Paediatric Nurse Haylee
Australia to UKThe One With Midwife Queensly
Nigeria to UKThe One With Mohammed, Doctor
China to India to UKThe One With Mental Health Nurse Gideon
Ghana to UKThe One With Dilan, Doctor
Turkey to UKThe One With Return to Practise UK Nurse Kirsty
RtP UKThe One With Andrea, Doctor
Columbia to UKThe One With Midwife Sanja
Serbia to UKThe One With Nurse Lecturer Ijeoma
Nigeria to UKThe One With Alicia, Doctor
Spain to UKThe One With Nurse Jessica
Canada to UKEpisode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10