Why you should check out our YouTube channel

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Why you should check out our YouTube channel
Our YouTube channel has been part of IELTS medical since 2016 and it’s where we have offered many online videos and learning material, such as listening practice tests.
The main objective of our YouTube channel is to inform people on what type of services and products we offer and what they involve.
On top of that, we also have educational videos intended for international healthcare professionals that would like to work here in the UK. For example, we even have a series of videos made by MRCGP doctors to give aspiring doctors the tools and help to pass their exams.
Also, if you want to practice here in the UK, and you want to book a course with IELTS medical, glancing over our YouTube videos will help you build your expectations as you can find many testimonials there, Listen what our successful customers have to say about us.
Our YouTube channel also features podcasts and educational videos and the type of exams you need to take in order to become a healthcare professional in the UK, whether that be a doctor, nurse or midwife.
An example was the ‘license to practice’ podcast. This podcast was specifically made to highlight different journeys that international nurses and doctors have went through to become licensed professionals in the UK. Listening to this podcast will give you a glimpse on the life of being a nurse in the UK and the process it takes to become one.
And of course, as you may already know, all this content is offered for free so why don’t you check out the channel and subscribe to make sure you don’t miss any of our videos whenever they are released.
You can find our YouTube channel here: https://youtube.com/c/IELTSMedicalLTD
Call us now on 0203 637 6722 or email us at nurses@ieltsmedical.co.uk