Why should you work as a doctor in the UK?

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Hello in today's blog post I will be explaining reasons why you should come to the UK to practise medicine.
Firstly, the UK has one of the largest healthcare systems in the world, the United Kingdom is also known for its high standard of care and research excellence.
The UK can provide top quality training and development, including the opportunity to gain UK specialist Royal College qualifications. You can our last blog post to gain more knowledge about the MRCGP.
You can request part-time training whilst working for the NHS if you have other commitments such as caring for children. Trainees studying with the NHS will have a budget allocated to attend courses and conferences additionally trainees can have one to two study sessions a week/month to study, the sessions can also be used to do administrative tasks audits, presentations, publications or research. Ideally, the sessions should be more academically focused.
Here in the UK, the standard of pay is higher than in most countries in addition we have one of the most diverse and multicultural population in the world.
Some universities in the UK also offer students the option to study whilst gaining professional experience. English is also the international language of medical communities. If you choose to practise in the UK then you will have to learn medical English, this will be a great differentiator when hospitals/ employers are looking for candidates/ doctors.
If you choose to practise in the UK for a long period of time then you may gain the opportunity to obtain permanent residency in the UK.
Doctors that work for the NHS are entitled to annual paid leave and you will be rewarded for more days depending on your length of service. For your first five years, you will be given twenty-seven annual paid leave days, after your fifth year you are given twenty-nine days. Lastly, once you have completed your tenth year of service you are rewarded with thirty-three days of paid annual leave, in addition, all doctors are also entitled to eight days of bank holiday per year.
Doctors in the NHS are allowed paid sick days, if you decide to use a sick day the time off will not be deducted from your annual leave however if you are sick for too many days in a year, you may need to extend your training period or repeat a year.
NHS employees all receive discounts for shopping and services, so don’t forget to ask any shop, restaurant or other services whether they offer any discounts to NHS staff.
Thank you for reading today's blog post, hopefully, my post was able to help you decide if you like to practise in the UK. Most of the benefits mentioned in the post today are due to the NHS (United Kingdom National Health Service). Thank you for reading.
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