What is OET for doctors?

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What is OET for doctors?
The OET exam is an English language test designed specifically for healthcare professionals. This exam is accepted by the GMC in the UK.
The exam is split into 4 different sections, on which you will get marked.
The sections are:
· Reading
· Speaking
· Writing
· Listening
In this section of the exam, you have to read and understand different types of texts on health-related subjects.
There are 3 parts in the Reading Section, which is 60 minutes long and is worth 42 marks in total.
1. Part A- 20 marks. In this part you are given four short texts. The first 6-7 are exercises asking you about the theme of each text. Then you must answer short answer questions, based on each text.
2. Part B- 6 marks. This part is made up of 6 short extracts which ranges between 100-150 words. You will read them and then answer related questions.
3. Part C- 16 marks. It has 2 separate texts, followed by 8 multiple choice questions about them.
· The Speaking Section happens in a private room, where you will take part in two role–plays. You will play your professional role, while the interlocutor acts as your patient or a relative or carer.
· The duration is approximately 20 minutes.
· Even though there are no penalties for not completing all the elements on the role card, covering more elements reveal a stronger English communication level.
· Throughout this section, the skills you are marked on are:
o Intelligibility
o Fluency
o Appropriateness of Language
o Resources of Grammar and Expression
o Relationship-building
o Understanding and incorporating the patient’s perspective
o Providing structure
o Information-gathering
o Information-giving
· The Writing Section is 45 minutes long. Broken up into:
o 5 minutes to read the case notes which are provided
o 40 minutes to write 180-200 words.
· Usually, the task is to write a letter, usually a referral letter (but can be a discharge or transfer letter).
· The 6 writing criteria you will be marked on are:
o Purpose – the purpose is immediately apparent and adequately expanded,
o Content – accurate and necessary information,
o Conciseness & Clarity – no unnecessary information,
o Organisation & Layout – clear to read with good structure,
o Language – grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation,
o Genre & Style – register and tone.
In the Listening Section, you have to follow and understand a range of health-related spoken materials, such as patient consultations and lectures.
The listening section is made up of 3 different parts. It lasts for 40 minutes and is worth 42 marks.
Some of the questions include fill in the gaps and multiple choice. You have 2 minutes at the end to check your answers.
Bonus: How to prepare for the OET exam - Material
There are many resources available to help doctors pass their OET exam, for example using practice tests which gives you a chance to practice and apply your knowledge with exam style questions.
Another good way to study is to watch English-spoken videos, this is an easy and quick way to learn.
One of the most effective ways to learn is with textbooks, as they contain content used by tutors and content that will turn up on the exam. You are also physically able to make notes on them as you work your way through the book.
You can find our selection of textbooks here.
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