Weekly Webinars

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Weekly webinars
Want to know more about OET but don’t know how to start? No worries here at IELTS Medical we host webinars every Wednesday on zoom at 2 pm (GMT). Our next webinar will take place on Wednesday the 2nd of March. The webinars usually last half an hour or even up to an hour and include frequently asked questions about OET such as what is OET? What are the expectations for OET/what score is needed to pass? What does the exam consist of? Where can I book my exam? What is the difference between the IELTS and the OET and what does the NMC prefer?
The webinar is made to answer your questions and help you gain a better understanding of OET itself as well as answer your questions about our courses for example, how they are structured, how many courses do we have for OET, what is the most popular course and do we provide online courses as well as in-person courses. We will also be discussing ways on finding out which course best suits you and how many weeks you need to do. One way in which you are able to find this out is by downloading our app OET for nurses and doing a placement test which will access your level of English and matches the best course to you.
Make sure not to miss out on our weekly webinars and join our webinar on Wednesday the 2nd of march. Not sure how to join? Here is the invitation link to our weekly OET webinar
https://zoom.us/j/99438009474?pwd=aGhoQzViQ20wejdRN0NpV3QrS01WZz09 share this link with your friends and family and help them gain knowledge on our OET courses.
If you would like to book an OET course, start your journey with us and call us on 02036376722 or +442036376722 for outside the UK or head over to our website and register https://iemedical.co.uk/oet-for-nurses