Upcoming Webinars 14th July
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Upcoming IELTS Medical Webinars 14th July 2023
At IELTS Medical we understand that booking training for IELTS, OSCE, CBT or OET is a big commitment, we know that you want to get as much information on the different options available to you in terms of training before you make a decision.
IELTS Medical are happy to provide webinars that enable our prospective learners to gather all the information they need about our courses, with questions strongly encouraged. It’s a great chance to ask questions regarding training provision, exams or anything else about the courses that you’re considering.
These webinars will be hosted by Desi from our sales team and will be delivered on the Zoom communication platform, a link for registering your attendance will be provided at the end of this blog.
These webinars are highly recommended for our prospective learners because of their interactive nature, giving it the feel of being a conversation instead of a quick informative video with a short Q&A session.
If you ask a question to our team and don’t quite understand the answer provided, you can always ask again and we are happy to provide more clarity to you. The sessions last for 30 minutes, which allows all attendees to the webinar enough time for useful discussion with our team.
Please don’t be nervous about asking your question in the Zoom group webinar, we understand that you might be but we promise there are no silly questions! Its highly likely that others in the webinar have the same question and will be grateful you asked.
The webinars are here to help you! Quite simply, we want to help you pass first time with the best possible grades.
Webinar times 14th July
OSCE: 2:30pm – 3:00pm
Link to register attendance:
CBT: 3:30pm – 4:00pm
Link to register attendance: