The Importance Of Your NMC OSCE Family

Here at IELTS Medical, from the first day of our NMC OSCE courses, we place a lot of importance on getting to know the people you'll be training with. We encourage you to keep in touch and to lean on each other when times get tough... Plus we know that trying to pass your NMC OSCE when you also have screaming toddlers at home can make it even more of a challenge...
Take comfort in the fact that the support you get from each other really is tremendous and our nurses find it motivational for your private study time too.
Take Nurse O for example, she reached out to us on the phone in one of our most memorable conversations of the year. On receiving her NMC Invitation to Test letters, she booked one of our OSCE courses two months before the course date. During the course, she met Nurse C and they became instant friends, practicing and studying together and they even attended IELTS Medical’s OSCE practice room on the same day, after their course. We are delighted to report that both Adult Nurses passed their exams this week.
Or how about Mental Nurse B. He joined our course after trying the exam the first time and realising that expert help was necessary to see him through. He also realised that, the first time, he’d felt alone in his journey. He was working full time in another role and finding the motivation to study after work was near impossible. Restarting the process several months later - this time with his OSCE family by his side - he was noticeably more confident and enthusiastic about joining the NMC register. Within Mental Health Nurse B’s OSCE family was Mental Health Nurse A. Nurse A originally trained as an adult nurse, but decided to retrain in Mental Health. She brought an optimism and happy demeanour to the OSCE family - an attitude that saw both nurses through. After passing her exam this week, Nurse A is now Dual Qualified as an Adult & Mental Health Nurse in the UK.
Remember, you can keep in touch with your OSCE family - and new network - beyond your OSCE exam, as you start and progress your UK nursing or midwifery career.
Discover your new NMC OSCE family with us... Call 02036376722!