The importance of revising the content you have learned

- By Martina
Exams, coursework and interviews are all important steps in a person’s career. These assessments mark out stages in a person’s life and can lead to a more rewarding profession. In order to achieve good results in these assessments, revising for the exam is extremely important.
At first, ideas might be confused, topics might not be clear and information might be written down in a disorganised way. If text or speeches are left un-revised and thoughts are not clear, the outcome in assessments may not be favourable.
So what is revising and why is it important?
It’s the act of improving and adapting something over a measured period of time to make it more suitable for a particular purpose i.e. performing well in an exam. Revision should not be confused with cramming, which occurs when a student goes over topics hurriedly right before an assessment. Revising is vital. If a learner crams the night before an exam they are far less likely to be able to recall things they have studied in the long term as they have not processed all the information properly. While cramming isn’t a totally ineffective tool for passing an exam, medics are more likely to forget the material they have studied which may prove disastrous if they need that information as foundation for a subsequent exam that is coming up in the near future. As a violin player would practice his accords over time before a concert, a learner needs to elaborate and reformulate the content of the subject they have studied.
The best advice I can give you about revising is as follows:
1. Make a revision plan: By doing this your revision will be more organised and succinct, meaning you are less likely to be copying out of a textbook verbatim and your revision will be more efficient.
2. Revise regularly: IELTS topics that have not been studied or essays that have not been written recently need more time to be revised since thoughts are not fresh and material is not new. By constantly reviewing your work and revising the work you have been taught in class, you will need to do less work closer to your assessments.
3. Make revising interesting: Studies have shown we are more likely to remember topics we have revised with fun acronyms, limericks, rhymes, colourful diagrams and notes with different colour pens (to name a handful of methods). We aren’t advising you to take a huge amount of time trying to turn the information you are trying to revise into a rap rhymes eligible for a Grammy or diagrams that could rival Picasso’s finest work! However, the more interesting you make your revision, the more likely you are to remember it for an assessment.
Get revising with us… Call 02036376722.