Pathways to become a nurse

Pathways to become a nurse
To enter into the nursing profession, you will need a minimum of 2 if not 3 A-levels plus supporting GCSEs (including English, Maths and Science) to be accepted onto the nursing degree at University.
You will also need to decide if you are looking for a career in either:
· Adult,
· Paediatrics,
· Mental Health,
· Learning disability.
As each one will be tailored for different purposes.
You may also have the opportunity to study two fields and this is called a dual degree.
At University, most students will do five modules each year; this will be across various resources: online, classroom, skills lab and practice placement experience.
Students will spend 17-22 weeks each year in practice developing skills in a range of settings.
A range of resources will be available to aid in your learning, online lectures, videos and lot more can be accessed before the lessons to get an understanding of the course, also most University's use the active blending learning (analysing, reflecting and sharing).
In addition, you will have a wide support network if you have any questions or if you're unsure of something.
Alternatively, if University is not for you, it may be possible to qualify through a nursing degree apprenticeship although the rate of availability of these is much lower.
During a nursing apprenticeship, which would be for the same or similar duration, you will have practical learning and gain experience while actively on the job. You will still need to study off the job, but it will be less than you would at a Degree Level.
Entry requirements for an apprenticeship is a level 4/C in both English and Maths.
If you learn better in a practical environment, learning on the job. An apprenticeship would be for you, not only are you studying alongside practicing nurses, but you are also gaining necessary experience and getting paid for it!
Job opportunity
After qualifying as a Nurse 94% of students find a job within the first six months of finishing their course.
Once in the nursing profession you have a duty to register with the NMC (Nursing Midwifery Council) if you haven’t already.
The NMC role is to protect the health and wellbeing of the public and set standards for education and training.
To register with the NMC it is an annual fee of £120 every year and there is also an expectation for you to undergo CPD (Continued Professional Development) every 3 three years to continue as a practicing nurse or specialist.
Take your next step to become a nurse right now! Call us 02036376722