Overcoming Nerves Going into Training
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1) Feel the excitement
Try to feel the excitement of the situation, nerves and excitement are closely linked emotions and often can be experienced concurrently. Even saying to yourself that you are excited ahead of training can be an effective method of training your thinking processes to reduce stress.
2 Try to focus on other things when possible
This may be helpful to learners who are in their first day of training with IELTS Medical. If you’re struggling with nerves during this first day of learning, you may consider using the lunch break to do something that you find enjoyable can help with dealing with the nerves.
For example, if you love coffee, finding your favourite café and having a nice lunchtime drink may help calm your nerves.
3 Keep a journal of your emotions
You may consider keeping a journal of your thoughts and feelings leading up to the beginning of your training period with IELTS Medical. This can really help with nervousness as it enables you to review how you have felt over a period of time and work out what are the triggers of your nervousness, from this point you can work out how to address these emotions and control your nerves.
4) Talk to someone about how you feel
Talking to someone about your nerves and how you’re feeling is a great way to get your problems off your chest and also to hear someone’s opinion. This can help if you’re feeling that your worries might be irrational and hopefully hearing someone else’s opinion will help rationalise your nerves.
This person you choose to speak to could be a loved one, a parent, a sibling or one of your workplace colleagues. If this isn’t something that you’re comfortable with, consider talking anonymously on the phone with a mental health helpline, the operators on these services are sure to be able to offer some advice for you going forward.
Samaritans: 24/7 Helpline:
Call: 116 123
Link to their website: https://www.samaritans.org/
5) Think positively and Breathe
Try to focus on your breathing, by doing this you will shift your thought process from focusing on your nerves and be able to relax. Thinking positively can be really helpful, a good method is to try and consider what the best result that can come from attending training with IELTS Medical. Instead of catastrophising and imagining the worst outcome, thinking positively can greatly impact your outlook and performance.
6) Be kind to yourself
You’re about to take a big step in your career journey and professional development! Maybe treat yourself to your favourite meal in the days leading up to the start of your training period. Maybe do something relaxing such as reading a book or watching a comforting tv show, being nice to yourself should enhance your performance in training.
We hope that these ideas can be helpful for any IELTS Medical learners who are feeling nervous in the build up to training with us, we are here to guide you to a first time pass and want to calm your nerves.