We have exciting - weekly updated - apps!

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We have exciting - weekly updated - apps!
Straight from our preparation centres in London, we have compiled apps to help you with your studies.
Our apps are all FREE to download, so type the following names into your app store or google play;
- CBT for Mental Health
- CBT for Nurses
- CBT for Children’s Nurses
- CBT for Midwives
These apps include NMC CBT type test questions written by UK Mental Health Nurse Educators, who
are also practising UK Mental Health nurses. The app features a full CBT mock examination and
access to a CBT video course that you can take with you on the go. We also have up-to-date NMC
CBT tips and LIVE connection to our Mental Health Nurse Education team.
- OSCE for Learning Disability Nurses
- OSCE for Childrens Nurses
- OSCE for Nurses
- OSCE for Midwives
- OSCE for Mental Health
These apps include NMC OSCE quizzes, OSCE demonstrations and OSCE tips from our nurses...
straight to your phone. The content has been written and is updated by our Clinical Nurse Educators
who know this exam inside and out! So you can have comfort in knowing you are getting the
information you need.
- OET for Nurses
- OET for Doctors
This OET app for Nursing and Medicine includes OET type test questions written by Native English
OET Senior Tutors – who are actively engaged in preparing doctors and nurses for this exam. This
app features full OET mock examinations that you can take on the go. We also have up-to-date OET
tops and LIVE connection to our Native OET Education team.
- IELTS for Healthcare Professional
The app includes IELTS type test questions written by Native English IELTS Senior Tutors – who are
actively engaged in preparing doctors, nurses and allied health professionals for this exam. The app
features full IELTS mock examinations that you can take on the go. We also have up-to-date IELTS
tips and a LIVE connection to our Native English IELTS Education team.
- PLAB Doctors
This app includes helpful tips, hints, videos and quizzes to help you navigate the Plab 1 and 2 exams
with ease. This app features a full PLAB1 mock examinations and a section where you can contact a
PLAB expert! - this is super helpful when you need tailored and specific answers to questions or just
need helpful advice.
- MRCGP Group
This app includes RCA and CSA quizzes, access to live webinars; RCGP tips from our team and hotline
to our UK GP Educators- right in your pocket. The content has been written and actively updated by
our Lead Medical Educator, Dr. Muddasar Ahmed, who knows this exam inside and out. This app is
tailored to doctors aspiring to become GPs for the RCGP.
Download our apps TODAY!!