OSCE Friday Webinar
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Our weekly IELTS Medical Friday OSCE webinar is once again running (15/09/23) and it’s free to join. Don’t miss it!
George, from the marketing team will be hosting the webinar and he is more than happy to help with any questions that you have regarding the OSCE courses we offer.
Many of our learners first engaged with us through these free webinars, they can help you to gain clarity on the options available to you for training and also give you the chance to hear questions from other learners that might be useful to you.
You might be ready to book training and just want to ask a couple of questions? If this is the case, IELTS Medical is here for you to provide answers to any questions and then move on to booking your slot, we will even help with this!
Questions can be asked through the chat function on the call, so if you’re shy then not to worry as you don’t need to have your camera on.
All you have to do to confirm your attendance for the webinars is follow the zoom links provided in this post and be on the zoom call at the correct time.
Times and links:
14:30 PM
Topic: OSCE Webinar (Nurses & Midwives)
Link to join: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hLOrQixST8alR4ePQ-P_GQ