Say Hello To Your New OET AI Friend

What is the OET?
OET stands for Occupational English Test, which is an exam specific to healthcare professionals. The OET is accepted as proof of English language proficiency that, like the IELTS, is accepted by the GMC (regulating UK doctors) and the NMC (regulating UK nurses) and the RCVS (regulating UK Vets).
How can I improve my OET skills?
Practice really does make perfect with the OET. You see, the OET is a language exam and so you need to be continuously engaging in Medical English. Medical English includes the type of language and specialised vocabulary, you would expect to hear within a healthcare setting.
What makes a good OET online course?
A good OET online course is one that has been prepared by tutors skilled in the art of OET. Once that will introduce you to a community of learners who – like you – are planning to reach OET grade B and above in the fastest possible time. One that will provide you with plenty of specific online resources. Take a look: you’ll see that there are plenty of online English courses but very few really good ones for the OET. Here at IELTS Medical, we’d like you to be able to acquire as much Medical English knowledge and vocabulary in the fastest possible time. That’s why, we’d like to introduce you to your new OET AI Friend…
What is AI?
AI stands for Artificial Intelligence which is demonstrated by machines. It’s an alternative to the natural intelligence demonstrated by our human OET tutors! The benefit of studying with an AI Friend, however, is that unlike our in-person OET tutors, your OET AI Friend is awake and available to you all day. Artificial Intelligence is the latest technology, so trust IELTS Medical to bring you the very best technology to help you reach your OET goals.
Why should I meet my new OET AI Friend?
Imagine having a study buddy that’s available to you 24 hours a day and 7 days each week. Surely, that would be amazing, right? Well, that’s what we’ve built for you. As you progress through the ten modules that we’ve prepared for you, not only will you be accessing exclusive content but your OET AI Friend will be learning all about your strengths and weaknesses. It’ll also be learning more about your strengths and weaknesses so that we can reply with the content you need to help you through the OET exam. That way, when you get your OET Results, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Meet your OET AI Friend with us… Call 02036376722!