OET Flex - A flexible option for your OET studies

The Occupational English test is a language exam for healthcare professionals and here at IELTS Medical, we’ve seen lots of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals through the exam. Testing Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing in a medical context, the OET allows doctors and nurses to demonstrate their English language proficiency to the GMC and NMC respectively.
If you are an EU healthcare professional, this is your only step before GMC or NMC registration, so it is crucial that you choose an OET provider that is able to provide you with an efficient pathway to registration. If you are an overseas qualified healthcare professional, efficiency can be even more crucial because the less time you are able to spend proving your language proficiency, the quicker you can progress to your theory stage whilst your medical knowledge is still fresh.
Don’t worry, we understand you which is why here at IELTS Medical, we have a course that is designed to meet you when you need us.
The OET Flex consists of 10 or 20 sessions that you purchase in advance. The package allows you to be able to choose when – from Monday to Friday between 10:00 am – 9:15pm - and how (in person in London or online) you study the OET. From your package, you can choose to study as many sessions as you like all around your schedule.
We find that the OET Flex really works well when you know your schedule in advance and can plan your studies accordingly.
Consider Italy-qualified Nurse L for example, take Italian qualified Nurse L for example. She needed to pass the OET to work as a nurse in one of the best Children’s hospitals in the UK. Her healthcare assistant job took up 40+ hours of her week, so she chose OET Flex with native OET Teachers online, in-person and timed around her work for five weeks.
And guess what? She passed the first time.
If you would like an option for the OET that will Flex with your needs, consider the OET Flex.
Get OET Flex time with us... Call 02036376722!