“Now you have a choice” – Dr. D’s IELTS to OET journey

The first contact we had from Dr. D was a tentative phone call over a year ago:
“I’m just wondering if you can help me with my IELTS exam?” He inquired.
We could – after all, our tutor team includes British Council certified IELTS examiners. However, Dr. D was so close to achieving 7.5 overall that he decided to study on his own. We wished him well and asked him to keep in touch.
Two months ago I received a call from Dr. D:
“Do you know much about the OET?” He wondered.
We did – we had just started our journey to OET Premium Provider status. It turned out that since we’d last spoken, Dr. D had attempted the IELTS exam eight times. Each time, his Listening; Reading and Speaking skills were judged at C2 level, but his IELTS Writing score was consistently 6.5. He mused:
“I think the OET is a great opportunity that the GMC is giving to the overseas doctors…The IELTS exam is so unrealistic, random and not really linked to the healthcare professionals.”
Little did we know that this conversation would be the start of Dr. D’s OET journey. We continued talking about the OET and how it is changing healthcare professionals’ lives and I invited him to the office for a chat.
“Now you have a choice,” I said and his eyes began to water. Dr. D suddenly realised that his life was about to change for good. He decided to enrol for the i10 OET 4×4 course in Archway and he proved to be an excellent student. I remember assisting our Tutor Gian with the speaking mini mock examination and when Dr. D. started, I was totally shocked – he was the best student I had ever seen. His confidence and his language skills were outstanding and at that stage I already knew that he would ace the exam for sure!
A couple of weeks ago I received a called, it was Dr. D! In a calm and firm tone, he called to inform us that he passed the OET exam on the very first attempt! He was so happy that he decided to come into our office in order to meet us with chocolates and a Thank You card in tow! He was beaming. He shared that his IELTS experience had made him want to return overseas and give up his UK aspirations, but that the OET had changed this.
What a difference a phone call can make…
Go from IELTS to OET with us… Call 02036376722!