"Will 3, 4 or 5 Days Be Enough?"... NMC OSCE
One of the questions that we hear quite often about our NMC OSCE review here at IELTS Medical is "will 3, 4 or 5 days be enough?" and the answer is... it depends...
Will 3, 4 or 5 days be enough training for the NMC OSCE?
Sometimes our nurses and midwives will consider the training that NHS Trusts offer in-house for 4-8 weeks and wonder whether IELTS Medical's private NMC OSCE short courses will be enough. However, to compare OSCE training from an NHS Trust to our own, doesn't take into account the fact that NHS Trusts provide Trust and OSCE training in a package to larger groups of international staff. This means that some of the 4-8 weeks will be spent learning Trust specific policies and undergoing orientation and Trust Specific training, as well as waiting for individualised attention. Here at IELTS Medical, our OSCE training is pure. Pure OSCE training delivered intensively across 3, 4 or 5 days. That's the difference and it's likely why some nurses come to us for training in addition to the training they receive at their NHS Trusts...
Every Nurse and Midwife on Every Course
You see, our outstanding 3, 4 and 5 day NMC OSCE courses have seen many, many nurses and midwives through the NMC OSCE examination the first time. It is, in fact, what we aim to do for every nurse and midwife on every course. We do this in several ways for example: by providing our learners with up-to-date information; by continuously improving and updating our course materials regularly; by using the most innovative tools to make the courses interactive and fun; by connecting our nurses to other test takers and creating what we call "OSCE Families"; by remaining accessible and contactable 24 hours a day and 7 days a week; by creating Practice Rooms and spaces for our nurses to pop in and practice... The list of ways we go above and beyond for our nurses is endless.
What's the difference between 3, 4 and 5 day courses?
The Core OSCE 3-Day Course includes APIE; NMC OSCE Skills and a full NMC OSCE Mock Examination. The 4th day can be straight after or scheduled with a gap in between in order to give you time to a) recover from an intensive 3 days and b) practice between the course and your refresher day. If you take our 3-day course at the start of the month, for example, and book your exam for the end of the beginning of the following month, then you can book a refresher day 2 weeks and/or 1 week before the big day.
Ultimately, it depends on You
Which choice is the right choice depends on You. Most of our nurses and midwives do take the 3 day course and pass the first time. Some book their exam the week after the course, some the month after. Some of our learners choose to give themselves more time and return to us closer to your NMC OSCE exam for an NMC OSCE booster. Some of our nurses and midwives pop back twice to keep yourselves motivated and to build good momentum before your exam. This is especially the case for Return to Practice Nurses and Midwives who usually need just a little bit more time to get back into the swing of things. Whichever route you choose is personal to you and we'll support you either way.
Get enough training with us... Call 02036376722!