How to prepare for the NEW NMC OSCE 2021

Due to popular demand, we have opened a new date for NMC OSCE training for the current NMC OSCE exam. The next NMC OSCE course is on 21st July, 2021. We've found that our General Adult Nurses, Children's Nurses, Mental Health Nurses, Learning Disability Nurses and Midwives are keen to complete their NMC OSCE exams before the NMC OSCE Changes in August 2021.
What are the main NMC OSCE for Adult Nurses changes in August 2021?
There are several changes coming soon to the NMC OSCE from August 2021. The main change is that the 6-station NMC OSCE will now be a 10-station NMC OSCE. This includes APIE; 2 pairs of 2 skills and stations assessing behaviours and values. There are also changes to the stations. For example, the Assessment station will now be longer and include a full A-E assessment including airway; breathing; circulation; disability and exposure. Evaluation will also change with a verbal SBAR handover from you to your assessor. New skills are also being introduced.
What else is changing in the NMC OSCE?
The timings. The Assessment station is becoming longer and going from 15 minutes to 20 minutes. The planning station is shortening by a minute from 15 minutes to 14 minutes. The Implementation station is increasing from 15 minutes to 16 minutes and the Evaluation station is shortening from 15 minutes to 14 minutes.
What about the new NMC OSCE Skills 2021?
The majority of the current NMC OSCE skills will still be a feature of the new exam, plus a few new ones too. The full list includes: Administration of Inhaled Medication; Blood Glucose Monitoring; Catheter Specimen of Urine; Fine Bore NG; Fluid Balance; In-hospital Resuscitation; Intramuscular Injection; IV flush and VIP score; Pain Assessment; Peak Expiratory Flow rate; Pressure Area Assessment; Removal of Urinary Catheter; Subcutaneous Injection; Urine Analysis and Wound Assessment and Aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT).
How to pass the new NMC OSCE 2021?
The best way to train for and pass the new NMC OSCE 2021 is with a training provider that understand the exam and has the expertise to guide you through to first-time NMC OSCE success. Here at IELTS Medical, our state-of-the-art Central London OSCE Training Centre has all of the expertise, equipment and materials to prepare you for your NMC OSCE exam. Our excellent, intensive 3, 4 or 5-day NMC OSCE courses, as well as the excellent learner’s portal that you get access to on registration have seen nurses just like you through to an NMC OSCE pass.
How can I join the next NMC OSCE course?
OSCE Nurses by IELTS Medical has the most up-to-date information about our NMC OSCE courses. With new dates added regularly, make sure you visit our website or give our friendly registration team a call on 02036376722 today.
Pass the NMC OSCE 2021 with us… Call 02036376722!