NMC CBT Mock Test

The NMC CBT exam
The NMC CBT is the second stage of NMC Registration for nurses who have qualified outside the European Union. It is a computer based test that consists of 120 Multiple Choice Questions. Nurses have up to 4 hours (or 240 minutes) to complete the test. There are a number of NMC CBT exam dates throughout 2019, but despite an increased availability of test dates, there seems to be no change to the number of nurses passing the test. Last year the pass rate for the NMC CBT remained between 65-71% worldwide. Earlier this month, the NMC sought to prevent attrition at this stage. Prior to April, 2019, not only did nurses need to pass all critical questions and 90% of all drug calculation questions, but you also needed to ensure a 68% pass overall. Since this month, however, there is no longer a requirement to pass all critical questions, and even though the pass rate remains the same, that should make things slightly easier. Another change this month, is that the exam now costs £90 and nurses are allow two attempts automatically. A third attempt is now potentially possible, if the nurse is granted authorisation by the NMC. Exam results remain valid for two years.
The Problem
A lot of the time, nurses come to us not knowing what to study for the NMC CBT. Some have been out of practice for some time eg. due to childcare responsibilities, some have also – rather worryingly – been stuck at the language stage for so long (did I mention that we do IELTS and OET here), that they’re a little rusty.
Our Solution
Ultimately, the CBT is an exam and like any other exam, you need to prepare. Not knowing exactly what to prepare and how to do so efficiently, has meant that some nurses have been overwhelmed at this stage, which is why we’re here to help. Here at IELTS Medical, we have a comprehensive and efficient 4-day course that guides you to first time CBT success. We are delighted to have a 100% pass rate on our course, because not only do we bring to the topics you will be test on to the forefront of your mind, but our Senior Registered Nurse Educator Ines, works to ensure that you are confident with all of aspects of the CBT before you make your attempt. Our 4-day course includes:
- Blood Transfusions
- Capacity to Consent
- Diagnostic Tests
- Drug Calculations
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Law and Ethics in the UK
- Leadership, Management and Team Working
- Medication Management
- Nursing Practice and Decision Making
- Nutrition
- Patient assessment
- Pre and Post Op Care
- Vulnerable Patients
Then – crucially – on the morning of Day 4, you will be given the opportunity to take a mock CBT examination under examination conditions. Our software mimics the real exam, with one key difference. At the end of the mock exam, you will be given individual scores that separate your results into domains. This means that not only will you receive a result, but you will see any areas you need to work on… LIVE… before your big day.
Previous attendees have enjoyed the course and reported an increased confidence for the real exam…. So, what are you waiting for?
Get NMC CBT ready with us… Call 02036376722!