We can't wait to meet our new cohort of nurses and midwives

On Wednesday this week, we're welcoming new nurses and midwives from all around the world... and we can't wait. Here at IELTS Medical, the first and last weeks of every month is OSCE week for international nurses and midwives. Led by our brilliant Nurse and Midwife Education Team of experienced UK Nurses and Midwives, we break down the formiddable NMC OSCE examination into bitesize and managable chunks.
Day 1 is documentation
On day 1, our nurses and midwives cover everything to do with OSCE documentation. This includes the APIE paperwork, as well as all of the tools in the NMC OSCE like National Early Warning (News) Charts and Maternity Early Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS) Charts.
Day 2 is skills
On day 2, we cover all of the physical NMC OSCE skills at our Central London Training Centre. If the NMC will test you on this skill, we'll go through the skill with you until you feel ready, willing and able to tackle it yourself under timed conditions.
Day 3 is a full mock examination
Nurses and midwives tend to love day 3 because it gives you a glimpse into what to expect on the big day. Under timed conditions on every station, we'll take you through A-P-I-E and two (Legacy) or six skills (ToC '21) stations. That way, you get to de-mystify your OSCE and prepare to tackle the exam with confiendence.
Can you tell we're excited for Wednesday, yet? See you soon...
Get prepared for your OSCE with us... Call 02036376722!