On location this September… in sunny Slough

Located 20 miles west of Central London, in the area of Berkshire, Slough is one of the most ethnically diverse towns in the UK – with 150 languages spoken. Its rapid economic development is attributed to its high immigration rates.
We are excited to be going on location to Slough this September. By this, we aim to reach out to and help a small group of medics to get ready and succeed in the Academic IELTS exam.
Tell me more about your initiative …
Our Slough classes will take place for a month, starting in the first week of September.
Classes will start at 10.00 am and finish at 4.45 pm. They will be delivered by our specialist IELTS tutors and examiners.
During the first week of September, classes will take place on Wednesday and Friday.
During the second week, classes will take place on Monday and Wednesday.
The schedule for the penultimate and final week of September follows a similar structure to the first weeks. For the third week, classes will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. For the last week of the month, classes are scheduled for Monday and Wednesday.
Our medics will learn different techniques they need to apply whilst taking the IELTS exam. Subsequently, theory will be consolidated by past-papers practice. Any additional training will be done by Skype.
Looking forward to it
Our tutors enjoy travelling and teaching… When we’re on location, our tutors get the chance to explore and our medics get in-person tuition. It’s a win:win.
Come and meet us… Call 02036376722!