Let's Get Ready for the OET for Nurses

Let's Get Ready for the OET for Nurses

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Consider yourself invited to our next OET Revision Club for OET Nurses. Training from 2:30pm - 3:00pm with our Demi, we answer your questions about the Occupational English Test for Nurses. Questions range from: "How do I register for the OET exam and take advantage of OET Group Discounts? to "What’s the best way to select case notes in OET Writing?" No OET question is off limits in this targeted and fun get-together with other OET nurses in your shoes.

What is the Occupational English Test?

The OET is a language exam specifically for healthcare professionals. It tests your Listening; Reading, Speaking and Writing skills in a healthcare context. Tasks range from Speed-Reading tasks to answering multiple choice questions about lengthy audio texts. The thread that connects all of these tasks is that they’re the type of tasks that you should expect to complete whilst at work in a healthcare setting like a hospital, GP surgery or clinic. The nursing version of the OET is accepted by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as proof of your English language proficiency; the first step in NMC registration. The test is also available to midwives seeking to practice here in the United Kingdom.


What is the best way to revise for the OET?

One of the best ways to revise for the OET is to read and listen to healthcare texts. You can also engage in healthcare podcasts and complete practice tests to check your level and progress. However, the best way to revise for the OET is to join a club of likeminded nurses and midwives to encourage and motivate you to keep up with your studies. Our OET revision meets every Tuesday at 2:30pm to discuss OET topics and you can get involved for FREE.  


Here's your invite to the OET Revision Club once again:


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 402 641 6620
Passcode: 491089


That's right, for our OET online courses we use AI (Artificial Intelligence) in order to be able to deliver OET preparation that is tailored to you.
Our FREE trial allows you to be able to test your language level at the start and our OET AI Friend works to guide you through by improving your weak areas.
Give it a go today...

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