IELTS Medical SoundCloud Content

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IELTS Medical have numerous podcasts that we release onto our YouTube and other social media platforms, in the recent past these have included NMC CBT Discussions and Licence to Practise, episodes of which are now available in the relevant playlists in their entirety on our YouTube channel. Now, in 2024, our Why They Failed series is being released weekly and we have many more weeks of episodes in the pipeline ready for our audience to enjoy! We understand that individuals in our audience are likely to have family or work responsibilities affecting the amount of time that they can spend watching IELTS Medical content, a good idea for those who would like to listen to our various podcasts despite being busy and on the go is to use SoundCloud.
Our podcasts are just as easily digestible in audio form, our excellent hosts and guest expert educators explain all information in detail, engaging with the content in this way is ideal for those who like to listen while getting on with their day. Licence to Practise: NMC CBT Discussions: Why They Failed: #soundcloud #whytheyfailed #cbtdiscussions #podcasts #weeklyseries #ieltsmedicaluk #ieltsmedical #uknursing #resourcesfornurses #ukmidwifery #nursetraining #midwiferytraining #podcast #podcastcontent #audio #listenonthego #nursingstudent #oscestudent #nmcosce #nursemeg