How To Fulfil Your New Year’s Resolutions?

- By Anna
I have some tips for you as for how to make sure you actually stick to the plan. Well, first of all – make a plan. If your resolution is studies-focused, especially when it comes to IELTS, it can’t just be ‘This year I will get 7.5 on my exam’. That’s too general and too much wishful thinking. If you want to succeed, you need to commit. If your starting point is 6.0 in Writing and you need to get to 7.5 in the end, give yourself time. Don’t commit to getting a 7.5 straight away, because it will discourage you quickly. Instead, plan it out. For example, you can promise yourself you would get from 6.0 to 6.5 in a month. It’s perfectly doable and not too extreme.
Once you achieve your mini-goal – reward yourself. You may think that achieving your milestone is a reward in itself, but it is important that you give yourself that little additional prize and a big one once you get to your main goal. That will keep you extra motivated.
If you have trouble getting to where you need to be – write down the things that usually distract you from achieving your goal. It could be that for example you’d rather procrastinate than do your homework. Try to eliminate those factors by making studying more fun (we’ve had some articles on that). If you can’t find any motivation to learn, think of WHY you want to do it. All of our learners attend the classes in order to pass the IELTS or the OET so they can register and work as doctors or nurses in the UK. If you get lost along the way, not being motivated enough to pass the exam, think of where you’ll be once you pass it. You have spent many years in a university, studying your profession with the main thought of helping people and saving lives. If you truly want to do that – that should be your motivation. If that helps, imagine yourself working in your dream hospital, wearing scrubs, earning much more and feeling accomplished as a professional. And keep working towards that!
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