She flexed her way to a B-B-B-B pass

So the June OET results were earlier than expected and released today. We know this, because our phones and Whatsapp messages rang with glee at some phenomenal scores.
12 hours a day and 5 days a week
One nurse in particular was an absolute joy to assist. Nurse L came into the centre one evening looking for a solution. Having qualified in Italy, the OET was the only thing between her and practicing as a nurse in one of the best Children’s hospitals in the country. She knew that passing the OET was something that she wanted. She also knew, however, that her healthcare assistant job required her 12 hours a day and 5 days each week. If she was going to do this and do this quickly, she needed an OET course provider that was equipped to deliver flexible courses.
Flexing across 33 days?
Nurse L received her schedule from the hospital a month in advance, meaning that when she enrolled, she was able to provide the dates and times of the 10 OET Flex Sessions she required. A benchmarking exercise during her first session highlighted OET writing as the only area she needed to concentrate her tuition efforts on and she chose the OET Flex Course to support this. The OET Flex course allows you to purchase 10; 20 or 30 sessions in advance and to select any vacant sessions between 10:00 am – 9:15 pm during the week or 10:00 – 17:00 on weekends. Nurse L spaced her course out across the month of May and then attended a single revision session one week before the exam.
The result
Rather predictably, Nurse L achieved B-B-B-B across all 4 skills on her first attempt.
Need a provider who can flex with your needs?
Flex your way to a B-B-B-B pass with us… Call 02036376722!