Is this the first iPhone and Android OET Speaking App?

Could this be the first Occupational English Test iPhone and Android Speaking App? Within 48 hours, our brand new OET Speaking Game Tic Toc Doc will be on the iPhone app store. Its debut on the Android platform will follow shortly afterwards. Combining OET Speaking 2.0 elements into a fun game, we’ve brought you a game that connects you to OET test takers and Native English Speakers around the world.
Introducing Tic Toc Doc, the world’s first Occupational English Test application …. (we think!)
It’s really easy to play:
- Log on or Register.
- Pick your speaking partner.
- Receive handy OET type questions to ask your patient.
- Then both of you take turns speaking against the clock whilst the doctor analyses the patient’s case and tries to guess their Patient’s character.
- The first to reach five points in the game – wins!
Here’s Lokesh and Christina giving it a go…" class="__youtube_prefs__" title="YouTube player" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen data-no-lazy="1" data-skipgform_ajax_framebjll="">
The app debut is set for 2nd February, 2019 and we’re SUPER excited… Are you excited too?
Get OET Speaking with us… Call 02036376722!