Failing the NMC OSCE

If you fail the NMC OSCE exam, all is not lost. You are allowed to re-sit, however there are limits and restraints on when and how many times so do read on carefully.
All overseas qualified nurses that wish to register with the NMC in the UK will be required to pass the NMC OSCE exam. The OSCE is a practical test you need to pass prior to registering with the NMC. Since April 2017 the registration process has changed, allowing nurses who fail their first attempt at the OSCE to re-sit the exam after a minimum wait of 10 working days. If they fail it for a second time they will have the opportunity to sit it for a third time, however this would be after a three month from date of taken wait to allow them to prepare further for the NMC OSCE exam.
This change will be especially beneficial to those overseas qualified nurses that are on the Tier 2 visa, as it was amended to reflect the need for nurses to gain entry to the UK in order to sit the OSCE prior to employment as a nurse commencing officially. It enables pre-registration nurses to enter the UK and prepare for the OSCE, while working as pre-registration nurse for up to to three months. It coincides with the eight month time limit given by their visa to complete and pass the OCSE exam successfully.
Do note that if on the third sitting of the OSCE exam and you unfortunately fail to pass, your application will close, and you would have to re-apply by submitting a new application form. However you will not be able to sit the OSCE exam again for a minimum of six months. Also, if you fail all of the allowed OSCE re-sits you will lose your right to remain in the UK.
Here at IELTS Medical, we have experience dealing with nurses who have failed their NMC OSCE. In fact, our oscenurses course allows you to work on Pure APIE or Pure Skills, if you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having partial fail (well, partial pass) and wanting an OSCE training team beside you.
Pass your NMC OSCE with us… Call 02036376722.