Electric Sharpener

Today I am going to talk about one of our most successful and special students, Doctor A. What was particularly memorable about Doctor A was her politeness, her willingness to do better, her strength and her positivity towards life… her obsession with Marylebone’s electric sharpener. Hours to sharpen a pencil – seriously, Doctor A?
Doctor A joined our OET 4x 4 courses for doctors three intakes ago. She chose to study at our Marylebone branch. Before reaching out to us, Doctor A had tried the IELTS exam so many times she’d lost count! She saw the OET she saw an opportunity; an open gateway for her to pass though…
On July results day, I spoke to our June entrants as I always do – because results day is always an exciting day. It’s full of surprises and joyfulness because many of our students get their required scores on the first attempt!
After making several calls I reached Doctor A and hearing her warming voice made it clear straight away that she’d nailed the OET exam. She’d managed straight Bs in all four skills – although, being the high achiever that she is, she’d hoped for an A
As I said before Doctor A is one of favourite medics, but her OET success is not the only reason… Did you know that Doctor A named our OET Speaking game Tic Toc Doc and all she asked for in return was our electric sharpener (pictured).
Get sharp with us… Call 02036376722!