The Importance Of Sleep

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The Importance Of Sleep
Sleep is essential as it helps us to recover from mental and physical exertion. We spend a third of our lives asleep and it is as important to our bodies as eating, drinking, and breathing, and is vital for maintaining good mental and physical health.
Working in the medical field brings long hours and a lot of focus so getting at least 7 hours minimum sleep a night is essential. Sleep deprivation can put your health and safety at risk, which is why it’s essential that you prioritize and protect your sleep on a daily basis. A specific study on overworked physicians found that doctors with moderate, high, and very high sleep-related impairment were 54%, 96%, and 97% more likely to report clinically significant medical errors.
In the medical field, we are constantly working with staff members and patients and our sleep affects our emotions and social interactions. Sleep loss reduces your ability to regulate emotions and interact socially, so when we’re tired, we have a harder time controlling emotional outbursts and our behaviour in front of others.
Tiredness may also affect our ability to respond to humor and show empathy. Prioritizing sleep may be a key way to improve your relationships with others which is one of the most important parts of working in the medical industry.
This is something that we can train you to do. It’s acquired and all about finding a balance. We are here to prepare you in the best possible way for becoming a nurse or doctor in the UK. If you would like to see more tips about working in the medical world, keep an eye out for our daily blogs. If you would like to book a course please visit our website or give us a call on 02036376722.