Stress relieving tips for nurses
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Stress relieving tips for nurses
Working as a nurse can become quite stressful, what you deal with can be tough on your mental and physical health. There are so many ways to help combat this and make your days working just feel that bit lighter. On your lunch break try your best to get out and have some fresh air, going outdoors has been proven to reduce anxiety, make you feel more relaxed, and lets the body absorb certain minerals, especially when the sun is out.
There are plenty of meditation and self-care apps to download, which give you plenty of tools to be able to calm the mind and take your stressful thoughts away. Some include 5- or 10-minute quick guided relaxation meditations, usually consisting of someone with a calming voice going through step by step with breathing techniques and soothing thoughts or sounds. Having an array of different times to fit your break can be really handy when you just need a moment to relax, whether it be a 15-minute tea break or a lunch hour. Two of the most known apps are Headspace which mainly deals with meditation and Calm, which has celebrities calmly telling stories from different books and also guided meditation.
Keeping on top of your health is also so important, from the things you eat to your daily exercise. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, water helps transport nutrients in the body to give you energy if you’re not hydrated your body won't be able to perform at its highest level making you feel tired and unmotivated. During a small break, for example, try and have healthy snacks such as bananas, nuts, and dried fruit, and during a longer break try eating salads with some protein like chicken or tuna which fuels our cells and powers our bodies.
There are plenty of ways to exercise your physical body such as running, yoga, football, and the gym, but it's all about finding a form of exercise that you enjoy. It can become quite a chore if you don’t enjoy exercise but there are hundreds of different classes and hobbies out there to fit you, even going for a long walk can be so beneficial. Doing these daily or once a week can improve your mood and help make your daily tasks as a nurse feel physically easier.
Lastly, getting the right amount of sleep is incredibly important, lack of it can be dangerous in so many ways. You should be getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function at your best. The benefits of this are that it means your mood will be better, it can increase productivity, improve memory, and makes you less likely to get sick.
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