NMC Part 1 Test of Competence NMC CBT - Nursing and Midwifery Council Theory Test

If you hold an L1 nursing qualification from outside of the UK and EEA - including, but not limited to nurses from: Australia, Canada, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, the Philippines and the United States, in order to practice here in the UK, you will need to pass the NMC's Test of Competence. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the NMC CBT.
What is the Test of Competence?
The NMC's Test of Competence is a two part exam that starts with a multiple-choice computer based theoretical test known as the CBT.
How can I book the CBT test for Nurses?
You can book your NMC CBT test from your NMC Online account. You will need to receive a Permission to Test letter from the NMC in order to proceed.
What is the CBT test like?
The NMC CBT test will measure you according to pre–2018 pre-registration standards for nursing education for nurses and current standards for pre-registration midwifery education for midwives. The CBT tests what the NMC consider to be the essential professional skills, knowledge and attitudes required to provide safe and effective care.
The CBT is a little like the Driving Theory test. It last for a maximum of four hours and contains 120 multiple-choice questions, where the questions are scored as correct or incorrect. The NMC does not use negative marking and there are no 'half marks' - applicants are asked to choose the best possible answer from four possible choices.
Should I do the CBT or OSCE first?
We would recommend that you attempt and pass your CBT first for several reasons not least because some of the information that you refresh for the CBT will appear on your OSCE. It doesn't necessarily work the other way around. The CBT can be taken at any one of the multitude of Pearson VUE test centres available worldwide.
How can you help me?
Here at IELTS Medical, we recognise that you are already a nurse. We recognise that you have already completed the many years of nursing training and that you'd like to convert your knowledge to UK standards and start work on UK wards as quickly as possible.
We hear you and during this period, the CBT Video Course has got you covered.
There's a different test of competence for each part of the register for nursing and midwifery. We've got courses for:
- Adult Nursing
- Children's Nursing
- Mental Health Nursing
- Midwifery
Pass your NMC CBT Adult Nursing; Children's Nursing; Mental Health Nursing with us... Call 02036376722.