NMC OSCE YouTube Series
- By (236 articles)
We know that passing your NMC OSCE is vital to you going on to practise in the UK, you want to pass with flying colours and give the best possible account of yourself.
There is a lot to be remembered for passing NMC OSCE and this may be impacting your confidence going into the exam. Are there grey areas in your knowledge that you want to shine some light on?
It’s understandable to not feel confident when you are in the preparation stage of such an important exam, we at IELTS Medical want to give you resources to help reinforce your knowledge and practice for your OSCE exam.
Reinforcing knowledge is extremely helpful to stay on top of all elements of the exam that you need to remember and also will help to keep stress levels to a minimum. If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.
How to pass NMC OSCE Playlist on YouTube
This free video resource on the IELTS Medical YouTube channel contains short form content and longer style videos and includes tips and other information that will benefit you when it comes to sitting your OSCE exam.
- 79 Videos to watch
- Wide range of subject areas
- Includes advice on what to wear
- Videos introducing examiners
- Extra information on courses
Visit: https://iemedical.co.uk/nmc-osce to find out more including:
- What you’ll learn
- Education requirements for enrolment
- Background to the course and IELTS Medical
- Content clearly laid out session by session