S3 Ep 9 - The One With Nurse Sujit - Licence To Practise - from India to UK - OSCE For Nurses

** Sit back and listen, it's time for Licence to Practise by IELTS Medical.
Link: https://youtu.be/tDQimW_kgAo
In Season 3 Episode 9 - We caught up with Nurse Sujith; a UK registered nurse who moved to the UK from India.
Featured Course: OSCE for Nurses : https://www.oscenurses.com
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Christina: Hi, thank you for coming on the podcast. How are you today?
Nurse Sujith: Hi, I'm good. How are you doing?
Christina: Yes, I'm very well, thank you. Like I said, thank you for coming on. We're just going to have a little chat today, and hear your story about becoming a registered in the UK. If you could just start by telling us a little bit about you.
Nurse Sujith: Yeah, sure. Thank you for having me with you, first of all. My name is Sujith and I'm basically from India. I used to work in India for one year just to gain an experience so that I can come over to UK because it's my dream to come over to UK and work as a registered nurse. Back in my home, I worked in medical surgical department so that gave me a bit of strength and boost so that I can come here and work as a registered nurse. That's basically me.
Christina: Great. Well, sounds great. So you said that it's your dream to come and work in the UK. Why is that? Why the UK, specifically?
Nurse Sujith: It's because the major thing that got my attention is the knowledge, what you can get over here, and advance technologies and opening avenues, which are available in multiple hospitals over here and multi-specialty hospitals. And so, that you can learn, you can expand your knowledge level basically. That was my main motto and it helped me actually.
Christina: Have you found that it's lived up to your expectations in terms of what you thought it would be like?
Nurse Sujith: Yeah, it lived up to my expectations more than I would expected. So, it was here, so that makes me happy.
Christina: Good. I'm glad to hear it. So you've had to go through the whole process of becoming registered here in the UK. You've had your pin for a few months now and you've been working in the UK for a few months. How did you find the process of becoming registered? The exam that you had to take and the preparation for that?
Nurse Sujith: To tell fairly, that before coming to UK, so everyone are like, "You have to go to UK. To go to UK, you get to write the exams and it will be a little tough and not everyone ..." What they told is true. But the thing is when I searched everything like what to do, how to do, and I go through everything, the process, everything was easy. But the exam was tough, but still it helped me to gain more of confidence to work over here. After coming to UK, I had to write two more exams. There's one more exam. It's called OSCE. Everyone knows that we have to write that exam. So I have written that exam and yeah, I got my pin few months ago.
Christina: Well, congratulations on passing everything.
Nurse Sujith: Thank you.
Christina: So you did the first two exams before you moved over?
Nurse Sujith: Yes, I did. Because to fly over from my country, from India to UK, to work as a registered nurse, it's mandatory to clear two exams and to get a UK score. Then only you can just get registered in UK.
Christina: Okay. So when you got over here, you did the OSCE exam, that was the final exam. What sort of things did you do to prepare for that? Did you find any difference in preparing for that exam in the UK as opposed to preparing for the other two exams in India?
Nurse Sujith: Yeah. The OSCE which I have written in UK, it was quite a different from two exams which I have written because the basic exam, what I wrote, the OSCE in UK, its sole purpose and it mainly serves as a practical thing what to do in your ward and what to expect to what's in hospitals. Because that's a basic thing, what they teach us in the exams in OSCE, so that you can get more confidence and gain more confidence and communication skills and all kinds of basic needs, what you need to get in the ward while you're working.
Christina: What sort of things did you do to prepare for all three exams to help you pass them basically?
Nurse Sujith: Basically it started with the APIE sessions. After that we had practical sessions. So depending on all the things included in all the practicals like when you go to the ward and you respect your words, how to greet the patients and depending on what procedures you have to do like for example, if dressing procedure, and other things. Many things which I learned in the exam. So the process was a bit tricky, but still it was worth it to try it. And yeah, I cleared and I'm happy.
Christina: Good. I'm glad. So obviously you've been working here for a couple of months now. You've got your pin, everything. You're all settled. Do you have any advice for people that might be thinking about just starting the journey to becoming registered here in the UK?
Nurse Sujith: Oh yes, of course. I do have advice and suggestion more than that so because it was my dream to come to UK and to work as a registered nurse. I say to people, those who are newly-coming up and those who have a dream to work in UK. The thing, it's not only having a dream, but to work towards a dream, you have to work hard. So to get a success, you have to work hard. You need to work hard.
So when you work hard, it will give a satisfaction that you have worked hard and you have earned. Once you earned the achievements, you will be very happy towards that. Never stop dreaming and never stop achieving the goals. So many people may tell you that it's difficult. Yeah, it may be that, it's like this, but yeah, it's true. But still, don't give up hope. That's what I want to say. And don't give up in between. Don't give up, so saying that I can't do it, it's difficult. No, it's nothing that's impossible for you to do. That's the main thing I want to give my advice.
Christina: So just keep going and you can do it.
Nurse Sujith: Yeah, of course. Everybody can do it.
Christina: So are you enjoying your work here?
Nurse Sujith: Yeah, of course. Of course, I'm enjoying a lot of every day of my work. I expect to work. I expect to see a new day and just go for work because that kind of situation I'm in now. So yeah, that's a good thing.
Christina: Good. Well, I'm very happy for you. Congratulations on everything. Best of luck with everything. Thank you. Thank you for coming on and sharing your advice and your story with us.
Nurse Sujith: Thank you so much for having me with you. Thank you.
Christina: Thank you so much for listening to another episode of License to Practise from IELTS Medical. And a very big thank you to Sujith for being my guest today. I really hope you enjoyed that episode. Don't forget to like and subscribe so that you never miss one and we will see you next time.