S3 Ep 5 - The One With Nurse Jessica from Season 2 - Licence To Practise - Catch Up Episode!

** Sit back and listen, it's time for Licence to Practise by IELTS Medical.
Link: https://youtu.be/vB9kGZDsZ5o
In Season 3 Episode 6 - We caught up with Nurse Jessica; a UK registered nurse who moved to London from Toronto and featured on Licence to Practise Season 2.
Featured Course: OSCE for Nurses : https://www.oscenurses.com
Released fortnightly onto our Apple Podcast, (never miss an episode), Instagram, Google Play and YouTube Channel.
Nurse Jessica from Season 2:
Hello from IELTS Medical, and welcome back to season three of Licence to PractiSe. For this episode, we're doing something a little bit different and updating you on my journey since my episode. My name is Nurse Jessica, and I'm from season two. Since my episode, I have been continuing on with my nursing here in the UK. So I have been working mostly vascular surgery as well as I have continued with my educating through IELTS Medical. So currently I am part of the adult program with IELTS Medical, as well as the mental health and the nursing associate programs.
So it's been extremely nice for me to be able to continue on with my bedside nursing care, which is initially what I moved from Canada to do, and also to have the aspect of teaching. It's something that I always wanted to do since I first started my career in nursing. I knew that I always wanted to become an educator or something along maybe years down into my career, but it just so happened with this opportunity that it would come sooner. So I'm super happy with that. And also working in the hospital here, it's definitely a change from Canada, but it's still very amazing getting to work with different doctors and different nurses with all different backgrounds. Yeah. I love it. It was an amazing decision for me coming here.
Since my episode, the UK is treating me very well. My nursing career is definitely what I had hoped it would be after making such a big change and a big move. So I couldn't recommend it enough to anyone who is having a career as a nurse or anything in a different country and would love to make the jump to the United Kingdom.
The culture is amazing. The cities are amazing. Working, it's really not much different, to be honest; there's so much to learn and so many opportunities here to grow as a person and also in your career. So yeah. Thank you everyone for listening, and I wish you all the best. And I can't wait to come in contact with some people at IELTS Medical through my education process. Bye.
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