Download our ‘IELTS for healthcare professionals’ app

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Download our ‘IELTS for healthcare professionals’ app
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is in place to ensure healthcare professionals are proficient in the English language, and therefore meet the standards of GDC (regulating dentists), GMC (regulating doctors), NMC (regulating nurses), GPhC (regulating pharmacists) and RCVS (regulating veterinarians).
This exam consists of 4 sections: listening, academic reading, academic writing and speaking; you will have to complete all these with a maximum time limit of 2 hours and 44 minutes.
You may need help to prepare for this exam as it’s not easy to achieve the required overall score to become a healthcare professional in the UK. Therefore, IELTS Medical has designed the perfect app for you to prepare for the test!
Within the app you can find:
· Multiple video courses to introduce you to what it takes to pass the IELTS
· A platform to book an appointment with an experienced OET consultant and discuss the ways to achieve your plans (Personal plan appointment)
· A placement test so you can find out your English language level
· Multiple grammar boosters on different aspects of language (questions, nouns verbs and articles)
· Tips that are updated every week to help you prepare for the IELTS
· Multiple writing corrections tasks, that if completed you will receive feedback in either 24 or 72 hours
· New materials that are added to the app each week under the ‘Weekly updates’ tab
· A platform where you can connect with an IELTS expert so they can answer any questions you may have about the exam, they may also help you find the most effective ways to study for the IELTS
· A referral platform where you can refer a friend to enrol at IELTS Medical and in exchange you will get prizes such as £25 cash or lunch at Harrods for 2.
As we work with many hospitals and healthcare organisations throughout the UK, the app also gives you a platform to record yourself and answer questions that NHS Hospitals and Private Healthcare Organisations would want to know about any potential staff. If then, they would like to progress your application, we will be in touch with you will all the details.
iOS users please use the following link to download the app:
Android users please use the following link to download the app:
Contact us today by phone on 0203 637 6622 (UK) or +442036376722 (outside the UK)
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