IELTS Medical Upcoming Webinars

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IELTS Medical webinars
Are you a Healthcare Professional who is considering moving over to the UK, or maybe you have already relocated and are considering your options to gain the right qualifications to practise here in the UK.
It can be confusing trying to work out what courses best suit your needs without any other inputs, we at IELTS Medical want to provide clarity in terms of the options of the courses we provide and reduce confusion for you. This will enable you to be trained up and landing your dream job as quickly as possible.
This is where the IELTS Medical weekly webinars are useful:
IELTS Medical webinars run weekly and cover IELTS, OET, OSCE and CBT. They are a great, free to use resource for you to learn more about the differences in our courses and therefore decide which option is best suited to you. These webinars cover:
- Registration information.
- What 3 exams there are to sit.
- The structure of the courses.
- Types of packages offered.
- Course fees.
- Common challenges encountered.
- How we can help you.
- Tips for improvements.
Times for upcoming webinars:
Every Tuesday
OET: 3:00PM – 3:30PM.
IELTS: 4:00PM – 4:30PM
Every Friday
OSCE: 2:30PM – 3:00PM
CBT: 3:30PM – 4:00PM
Use the registration links provided at the end of this article to register and confirm your place in the next webinar that suits you. The webinars run for around 30 minutes; we look forward to you joining us in the upcoming webinars!
Next OET webinar
Jun 6, 2023 03:00 PM
Next IELTS webinar
Jun 6, 2023 04:00 PM
Next CBT webinar
Jun 9, 2023 03:30 PM
Next OSCE webinar
Jun 9, 2023 2:30 PM