Free post-OSCE Service

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We know that it may be difficult for you to come to a completely different country where you have no family or friends. Especially during this time of year, many people wish to be with their families during Christmas and may feel homesick. Feeling stressed or homesick during your courses is the last thing that we want as we do not want you to be distracted and instead, we would want you to be focused on your studies.
Here at IELTS Medical, from the first day that you begin your NMC OSCE course, you will be entered into our WhatsApp support group. We place a lot of importance on getting to know the people you will be training with us you will be spending a lot of time together and they are in the exact same position as you. It is important that you keep in touch with the other nurses or midwives and lean on them when times get tough.
If you are struggling to study or keep organised you can always ask the other nurses or midwives for any tips on how they keep organised and motivated. This way you’re all able to help each other a pass together.
Take Nurse A for example, she reached out to us via phone call. After receiving her NMC invitation to test letters, she booked with one of our OSCE courses. During the course, she met nurse B and they instantly became friends, practising and studying together. They both attended the OSCE practice room on the same day after their course. We are delighted to let you know that both Nurses passed their exams.
Remember that you are able to keep in touch with the OSCE family even after you have completed your OSCE exam and are able to receive support as you start and progress your UK nursing and Midwifery career.
Join your new OSCE family with us… Call 02036376722
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