Culture Shock

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Culture shock when relocating to the UK.
Culture shock is a phenomenon that can often occur when moving and settling in to a new country. Culture shock refers to feelings of uncertainty, confusion or anxiety that can come hand in hand with relocating to another country, it can affect anyone.
Are you a Nurse or other Healthcare Professional that has already relocated to the UK or is looking to do so? It is likely you have experienced this if you have already relocated, but if you are planning to move to the UK in the near future you may be about to experience this.
Relocating is a big step; many differences are present between different cultures and countries around the world and adjustment to these differences can take some time.
We understand that this can be stressful and difficult to adjust to, its normal to find changes in life challenging. This blog post is aimed at providing insight for those who have already relocated or are looking to relocate to the UK in the near future.
The W curve of culture shock:
This was first conceived in 1963, this is one of the most well recognised models referring to culture shock. It highlights the stages associated with integration into a new country and culture.
These stages are:
1- Honeymoon phase
2- Distress
3- Reintegration
4- Autonomy
5- Independence
Common occurrences of Culture Shock:
- Adjusting to the UK weather.
- Types of humour.
- Regional accents – In the UK accents vary in different regions, sometimes dramatically.
- Driving on the left-hand side of the road.
- Adjusting to British food.
- British slang can be confusing when you are new to the country.
However, there are ways to manage the feeling of culture shock:
- Staying in contact with your loved ones back at home.
- Keep ornaments or other reminders of home with you in your new house.
- Finding a local shop that sells the comforts of home, such as ingredients or your favourite soft drink.
- Keeping to a healthy and active lifestyle.
- Try to integrate with native British people, this can help you to understand cultural norms and the differences in regional accents found in the UK.
- Networking with others in a similar position to yourself that you will likely be able to relate to, this may be other Healthcare Professionals who have studied with IELTS Medical and gone on into the UK Healthcare sector.