4 Ways you can improve your IELTS writing

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Writing not just difficult for people learning English, but also for native English speakers. In our dayto-day life we don’t often have to write essays or describe graphs, we’re more used to writing
informal messages or emails, hence why it’s not a common practice. There are things you can do to
practise and improve your writing, here are 5 ways you can improve you IELTS writing skills;
1. Read!
To improve your writing skill, you need to read – everyday! By reading you widely expose yourself to
words and grammar used correctly and in context, you too will pick up new words and start using
new grammatical structures. When you learn new words or structures, take notes to help you
remember them.
2. Make your writing POW!
Whatever you decide to write about make sure you use - POW (Plan, Outline and Write). Plan; what
are the main points you want to include? How many points will you include in paragraph two and
three? Outline; it is important to have a clear outline. What will you say in the introduction? Write;
Now you have a plan and a clear outline, you can start writing. Be sure to use a wide variety of
language and grammatical structures.
3. Linking words
In the Writing test, the examiner will be looking at how ideas are linked together within sentences
and paragraphs. Additionally, they’ll look at how your writing flows. The examiners will also be
looking out for cohesion, your ideas need to be organised logically into paragraphs so it's easy to
understand and follow them. This also refers to the use of linking words, some examples of these
are; Firstly, Additionally and On the other hand.
4. Checklist
When you’ve finished writing make sure to leave a bit of time at the end to proof read and edit your
writing where and if needed. Check for spelling, correct subject and verb agreement paragraphs and
most importantly your own common mistakes that you know you make quite often.
I hope this article has been useful, for more information on IELTS courses and exam dates contact
our team today on: 02036376722