2024 Tech In Training At IELTS Medical

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Are you looking to train in the UK Healthcare Sector?
Working in the UK Healthcare field is extremely rewarding and the UK is regarded as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world when it comes to healthcare provision.
In 2024 IELTS Medical are going to be pushing our tech training capabilities across all course offerings: If tech is being utilised in hospitals why not in healthcare training too?!
This year is going to be very exciting at IELTS Medical, our VR-AI Medsets will be coming soon, along with our virtual hospital learning environment. This will lead to IELTS Medical having the most immersive courses in healthcare training, whilst being available all over the world, due to the remote nature of learning!
In 2024 we are closer to you.
Stay connected with us across all socials for any updates.
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